Let me introduce myself to the readers of this blog. I am Sankaran Manikutty and was, until recently, a Professor at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. My latest big project has been a
book that I recently completed (entitled "Strategic Management"). In this effort, I was adapting to an India audience what I consider a classic textbook on Strategic Management, and it was in association with Professors Michael Hitt, Duane Ireland and Robert Hoskisson.
I have been intrigued by the ideas proposed on this blog, in particular, the proposed new writing system for the Tamil language as well as the Classical Sanskrit Diet. I am an advocate of a plant-based diet similar to the one that Dean Ornish has proposed and have been a vegetarian all my life. I will be pointing people to interesting talks on the topic of diet. I hope to cover the topic of languages as well.
With the rise of obesity in America to the scale of a virtual epidemic, something must be done. (Obesity is catching up in other countries as well.) This blog points to some of the latest ideas from the science of health on what people can do to prevent becoming obese and becoming more healthy. If you are interested in discussing these topics further, please call the bloggers during office hours. I hope you enjoy reading the posts as much as I did preparing them. Bon appetit!