I have been corresponding with Prof. P. V. Viswanath on my Tamil writing system proposal as well. Many thanks to him for his thoughtful comments. This proposal wouldn't be the same without his inputs and responses. Thanks once again to George Hart and Harold Schiffman for their comments.
I have office hours on Monday, July 2nd, between 7:30 am and 8:15 am PST. (I have office hours again on August 6th between 7:30 and 8:15 a.m PST. I am also scheduling office hours for the next two months - September 3 and October 1, same time.) The theme for July and August is "Innovation and Competitive Strategy". Watch out for posts on this theme. Please feel free to call me during office hours if you have any comments or questions.
Please note that I enforce office hours time slots pretty strictly. This is because we only have 45 minutes of office hours time in total. It may be possible to reschedule our office hours slots in case you need additional time to talk.
Update: Added a picture of George L. Hart to the post - in appreciation.
Update: Added a picture of George L. Hart to the post - in appreciation.