A couple of years ago, I posted a few pictures of some Mandelbrots we had baked on my Facebook page, and a friend pointed me to Buddhabrots. No, you can't eat them. The Buddhabrot is a map that is related to the Mandelbrot set, and is called so because the Buddhabrot looks a bit like the Buddha. Historical depictions of the Buddha, at least.
In blue, they look a lot like Shiva. There are even points over the 'head' that look a bit like drops of water. So we even have a bit of the Ganga flowing out of Shiva's head thing. And so these we would like to call Shivabrots.
Anyway, to round it off, after the fold is a picture of the Mandelbrot cookies that led me to these very beautiful Buddhabrot maps.
The two pictures (
2) of the Buddhabrot are courtesy